Saturday 18 November 2017

Exercise and keep a toned perineum

Leaks that occur during the sport? It is the incontinence of effort , which indicates a lack of tonicity of the perineum , but also poorly performed exercises. We often do not dare to talk about it , but precautions and solutions exist.

An association, Sport and specificities for women , has become aware of the problem and offers various tips. As stated by the association, created by a physiotherapist and chaired by a gynecologist, the female anatomy was not sufficiently taken into account in the advice given for the training and the practice of the sport. And this is how women find themselves doing "abs" (with high intra-abdominal pressure), or warm up by jumping on site, in a deleterious way for their perineum. Result: leaks and often, avoidance of sports activity!

The association has therefore set up a "passport", which, in addition to helping to identify its perineal problems, gives advice on the directions to take depending on his sport (both in terms of breathing at the time of the effort, that of "perineal locking") and its problem and sensitizes on what to do (and avoid doing!) everyday. This passport is declined according to the ages of the life (cost: between 20 and 30 euros).

The association offers workshops for individuals, but also collaborates with sports associations, awarding a label certifying that the training is adapted to the female anatomy. The workshops are varied: they can take place in group or solo, can address the sexuality (the perineum having a major importance in the sexual relations), the particular case of the pregnant woman, or that of the teenager.

Saturday 4 November 2017

With these 5 home aids you can save yourself the gym!

"After work, it's definitely going to be in the sport!" - We all take it over again and end up with a bar of chocolate on the comfortable couch, where another episode of our favorite series is waiting for us. Now we'll show you five utensils that will save you the way to the gym and keep your body fit!

1. The gymnastics mat
Nobody should have to do without this classic. Especially your abdominal muscleswill thank you if you daily for 15-20 minutes on your newGymnastics mat räkelst. Pick a suitable fitness video, take a look at some exercises of your choice and off you go! By the way, it's great to watch the favorite series - and without any guilty conscience.

2. The Sling Trainer
No matter if you want to train your legs, stomach, butt or arms, this is the perfect utensil for all your muscles ! The fitness equipment, which consists of an elastic rubber band and two handles, saves space and is also suitable for transport - so a short work-out on vacation is no longer a problem. There are no limits to your creativity in choosing the exercises: You can attach the sling trainer to your door or tree in the garden at home, or simply create the necessary resistance through your own body.

3. The vibrating rod
Tension, poor posture and one-sided stress in the workplace - with this fitness device for home you say your back painthe fight! How it works: The rapid shaking movement of the rod is transmitted via your arms in the deep muscles of your body, which is thus stimulated positive. Through the new back and abdomen not only reduce your pain, but also stimulate your metabolism . Another positive side effect: Your connective tissue is also strengthened! strengthened muscles in

4. The kettlebell
This home fitness device is reminiscent of an iron ball with a handle and is perfect for effective strength training . In addition to building muscle, you can also strengthen your heart and your circulation with the kettlebell . Your flexibility , speed and ability to coordinate are also optimized . Especially the training of legs and arms gives you a whole new touch with this utensil!

5. The hula-hoop tire

With much fun to the desired fitness success: Krame the already beloved as a child tire from the basement, start a good mood song, get your best friend and brings together so the annoying belly fat to melt! The simple but highly effective exercises with the fitness device not only tighten your stomach, but also train legs , buttocksand back . And best of all: The loose circular movements will get rid of your cellulite!

From Effective: These gym machines in the gym do not help

You're really proud of yourself, if you ever make it to the gym ? So that the whole thing is worthwhile and you do not torment yourself ...